Re-opening: We Want You To Touch Less

Re-opening: We Want You To Touch Less

Keep your hands off our menus! At least that’s what we hope you do with our new personalized system. Surfaces are one of the known COVID-19 transmission media – contaminated ones, that is. At Pio Pio, we go to great lengths to sanitize everything between uses....
Making Arepas: Hands-on in the Kitchen

Making Arepas: Hands-on in the Kitchen

Making arepas take various forms Biscuits, stuffed pockets, and flat tortilla-like tostadas. Arepas are adaptable. Depending on the region, or the preferences of your family’s kitchen, making arepas is directed by the dishes you serve. Traditionally, the are...
Phase 1: A Cautious Return to Normal

Phase 1: A Cautious Return to Normal

After the initial assault of the COVID-19 virus, a reopening of the economy is not a victory. By embracing the Phase 1 restrictions issued by the Florida government, Pio Pio Orlando is recognizing a responsibility. Too much remains unknown, and ultimate solutions...
Rebranding in the Time of Quarantine

Rebranding in the Time of Quarantine

Pulling a Quarantine Solution Out of a Hat Pio Pio Orlando on Precision Drive worked hand-in-glove with digital strategy studio, Plasmechanica, to triumph in this time of quarantine and shutdown. Pio Pio’s New Years resolution was to define our digital strategy. We...